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Please note: you will require a subscription to our Freight module to access this endpoint.


VoyagesTopHits.search(self, breakdown_property: str = None, breakdown_split_property: str = None, breakdown_size: int = None, time_min: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), time_max: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 1, 0), voyage_id: Union[str, List[str]] = None, cargo_movement_id: Union[str, List[str]] = None, voyage_status: Union[str, List[str]] = None, voyage_status_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, movement_status: Union[str, List[str]] = None, movement_status_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, cargo_status: Union[str, List[str]] = None, cargo_status_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, location_status: Union[str, List[str]] = None, location_status_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, commitment_status: Union[str, List[str]] = None, commitment_status_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, exclude_overlapping_entries: bool = None, products: Union[str, List[str]] = None, products_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, latest_products: Union[str, List[str]] = None, latest_products_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, charterers: Union[str, List[str]] = None, charterers_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, effective_controllers: Union[str, List[str]] = None, effective_controllers_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, origins: Union[str, List[str]] = None, origins_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, destinations: Union[str, List[str]] = None, destinations_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, locations: Union[str, List[str]] = None, locations_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, congestion_target_location: Union[str, List[str]] = None, congestion_target_location_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, vessels: Union[str, List[str]] = None, vessels_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, flags: Union[str, List[str]] = None, flags_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, ice_class: Union[str, List[str]] = None, ice_class_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, vessel_propulsion: Union[str, List[str]] = None, vessel_propulsion_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, vessel_age_min: int = None, vessel_age_max: int = None, vessel_dwt_min: int = None, vessel_dwt_max: int = None, vessel_cbm_min: int = None, vessel_cbm_max: int = None, vessel_wait_time_min: int = None, vessel_wait_time_max: int = None, vessel_scrubbers: str = None, vessel_tags: Union[vortexasdk.api.shared_types.Tag, List[vortexasdk.api.shared_types.Tag]] = None, vessel_tags_excluded: Union[vortexasdk.api.shared_types.Tag, List[vortexasdk.api.shared_types.Tag]] = None, vessel_risk_level: Union[str, List[str]] = None, vessel_risk_level_excluded: Union[str, List[str]] = None, has_ship_to_ship: str = None, has_charterer: str = None, intra_movements: str = None, voyage_date_range_activity: vortexasdk.api.shared_types.VoyageDateRangeActivity = None, origin_behaviour: vortexasdk.api.shared_types.OriginBehaviour = None, destination_behaviour: vortexasdk.api.shared_types.DestinationBehaviour = None) -> vortexasdk.endpoints.aggregation_breakdown_result.AggregationBreakdownResult

Returns a count of voyages aggregated by a chosen breakdown_property.


  • breakdown_size: Number of top records to return.

  • breakdown_property: Property to aggregate upon. Must be vessel_count or not provided.

  • breakdown_split_property: Property to split results by. Can be one of: 'vessel_status', 'vessel_class_group', 'vessel_class_coarse', 'vessel_class_granular', 'vessel_flag','fixture_status', 'origin_region', 'origin_shipping_region','origin_trading_region','origin_trading_sub_region','origin_trading_block','origin_country','origin_port', 'origin_terminal','destination_region','destination_shipping_region','destination_trading_region','destination_trading_sub_region','destination_trading_block', 'destination_country','destination_port','destination_terminal','location_port','location_country','location_shipping_region', 'congestion_location_port','congestion_location_country','congestion_location_shipping_region','product_group','product_group_product','product_category', 'product_grade'.

  • time_min: The UTC start date of the time filter.

  • time_max: The UTC end date of the time filter.

  • voyage_id: An array of unique voyage ID(s) to filter on.

  • cargo_movement_id: An array of unique cargo movement ID(s) to filter on.

  • voyage_status: A voyage status, or list of voyage statuses to filter on. Can be one of: 'ballast', 'laden'.

  • voyage_status_excluded: A voyage status, or list of voyage statuses to exclude.

  • movement_status: A movement status, or list of movement statuses to filter on. Can be one of: 'moving', 'stationary', 'waiting', 'congestion', 'slow'.

  • movement_status_excluded: A movement status, or list of movement statuses to exclude.

  • cargo_status: A cargo status, or list of cargo statuses to filter on. Can be one of: 'in-transit', 'floating-storage', 'loading', 'discharging'.

  • cargo_status_excluded: A cargo status, or list of cargo statuses to exclude.

  • location_status: A location status, or list of location statuses to filter on. Can be one of: 'berth', 'anchorage-zone', 'dry-dock', 'on-the-sea'.

  • location_status_excluded: A location status, or list of location statuses to exclude.

  • commitment_status: A commitment status, or list of commitment statuses to filter on. Can be one of: 'committed', 'uncommitted', 'open', 'unknown'.

  • commitment_status_excluded: A commitment status, or list of commitment statuses to exclude.

  • exclude_overlapping_entries: A boolean to only consider the latest voyage in days where two or more Voyages overlap.

  • products: A product ID, or list of product IDs to filter on.

  • products_excluded: A product ID, or list of product IDs to exclude.

  • latest_products: A product ID, or list of product IDs of the latest cargo on board to filter on.

  • latest_products_excluded: A product ID, or list of product IDs of the latest cargo on board to exclude.

  • charterers: A charterer ID, or list of charterer IDs to filter on.

  • charterers_excluded: A charterer ID, or list of charterer IDs to exclude.

  • effective_controllers: A vessel effective controller ID, or list of vessel effective controller IDs to filter on.

  • effective_controllers_excluded: A vessel effective controller ID, or list of vessel effective controller IDs to exclude.

  • origins: An origin ID, or list of origin IDs for all the cargoes of a voyage to filter on.

  • origins_excluded: An origin ID, or list of origin IDs for all the cargoes of a voyage to exclude.

  • destinations: A destination ID, or list of destination IDs for all the cargoes of a voyage to filter on.

  • destinations_excluded: A destination ID, or list of destination IDs for all the cargoes of a voyage to exclude.

  • locations: A location ID, or list of location IDs to filter on.

  • locations_excluded: A location ID, or list of location IDs to exclude.

  • congestion_target_location: A congestion location ID, or list of congestion location IDs to filter on.

  • congestion_target_location_excluded: A congestion location ID, or list of congestion location IDs to exclude.

  • vessels: A vessel ID or vessel class, or list of vessel IDs/vessel classes to filter on.

  • vessels_excluded: A vessel ID or vessel class, or list of vessel IDs/vessel classes to exclude.

  • flags: A flag, or list of flags to filter on.

  • flags_excluded: A flag, or list of flags to exclude.

  • ice_class: An ice class, or list of ice classes to filter on.

  • ice_class_excluded: An ice class, or list of ice classes to ęxclude.

  • vessel_propulsion: A propulsion method, or list of propulsion methods to filter on.

  • vessel_propulsion_excluded: A propulsion method, or list of propulsion methods to ęxclude.

  • vessel_age_min: A number between 1 and 100 (representing years).

  • vessel_age_max: A number between 1 and 100 (representing years).

  • vessel_dwt_min: A number representing minimum deadweight tonnage of a vessel.

  • vessel_dwt_max: A number representing maximum deadweight tonnage of a vessel.

  • vessel_cbm_min: A number representing minimum cubic capacity of a vessel.

  • vessel_cbm_max: A number representing maximum cubic capacity of a vessel.

  • vessel_wait_time_min: A number representing a minimum number of days until a vessel becomes available.

  • vessel_wait_time_max: A number representing a maximum number of days until a vessel becomes available.

  • vessel_scrubbers: Either inactive 'disabled', or included 'inc' or excluded 'exc'.

  • vessel_tags: A time bound vessel tag, or list of time bound vessel tags to filter on.

  • vessel_tags_excluded: A time bound vessel tag, or list of time bound vessel tags to exclude.

  • vessel_risk_level: A vessel risk level, or list of vessel risk levels to filter on.

  • vessel_risk_level_excluded: A vessel risk level, or list of vessel risk levels to exclude.

  • has_ship_to_ship: Filter data where at least one STS transfer occurs, or none. - one of: 'disabled', 'inc', 'exc'. Passing disabled means the filter is not active.

  • has_charterer: Filter data where at least one charterer is specified, or none. - one of: 'disabled', 'inc', 'exc'. Passing disabled means the filter is not active.

  • intra_movements: Filter movements based on whether the vessel started and ended in the same country, or geographical layer.

  • voyage_date_range_activity: Filter to determine how the voyages should be counted. Must be one of [active, departures, arrivals]

  • origin_behaviour: The origin behaviour determines which departure mode the voyage_date_range_activity should count, must be one of [first_load, any_load].

  • destination_behaviour: The destination behaviour determines which arrival mode the voyage_date_range_activity should count, must be one of [last_discharge, any_discharge].




Top oritin countries for crude imports to Rotterdam on 8th August 2021.

>>> from vortexasdk import VoyagesTopHits, Geographies, Products
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> rotterdam = [g.id for g in Geographies().search("rotterdam").to_list() if "port" in g.layer]
>>> crude = [p.id for p in Products().search("crude").to_list() if "Crude" == p.name]
>>> start = datetime(2021, 8, 1)
>>> end = datetime(2021, 8, 1, 23, 59)
>>> search_result = VoyagesTopHits().search(
...    time_min=start,
...    time_max=end,
...    destinations=rotterdam,
...    products=crude,
...    breakdown_size=5,
...    breakdown_split_property="origin_country"
... ).to_list()

Gives the following result:

        label='United States'
        label='United Kingdom'